My great Aunt and her family lived in Brunswick , on the southern coast of Georgia; we stayed on a pretty little island called St. Simon’s. My cousin booked a block of rooms at a Methodist retreat place. I got a little weird about that concept, but upon arrival I was ridiculously impressed. Apparently the place, Epworth-by-the-Sea, was an estate of some rich somebody or other and then became a place that is run by the Methodist church but open to anyone. The place is right on the water with hotel rooms, conference rooms, a dining room, chapels, and GORGEOUS GROUNDS. The place was loaded with Live Oaks dripping in Spanish moss, palm trees, pretty paths, and benches. The only downside is they request that no alcohol be brought into the rooms. As far as I’m concerned, what they don’t know won’t hurt them. Don’t judge me!!
We decided to take two days to drive home, as opposed the one we did it in on the way down. On Sunday we drove to Savannah and spent a few hours checking out the historic district. As the timing would have it, we arrived during their St. Patrick’s celebration. Apparently, Savannah has the largest St. Patrick’s Day celebration behind NYC. Did not know there were that many people from the Emerald Isle down south. It was awesome. The whole city is amenable to open containers. And by open containers, I mean you wander the streets with tasty refreshing alcoholic libations. A police officer even saluted me with “Cheers” as I was walking about with a beer taking photos! They dye all of the water in the fountains of the historic district green, River Street gets shut down to traffic, and live music is performed all day in the City Market. Because we had so little time in the city, we decided to take a Trolley tour of the historic district and then return to the squares, etc that we wanted to really see. Our trolley driver was hilarious and yelled at pretty much everyone we passed. After the tour we headed to River Street for baked oysters, shrimp, and beer. Delicious, but annoying to shuck the damn oysters ourselves. I then took off to see as much of the historic district as possible. I hit the big stuff and got some great pictures before meeting back up with Mom and Dad.
On Monday morning we reached Nirvana of the south. . . South of the Border. That place is still chocked full of crap and I still love it as much as I did when I seven. I bought magnets and a bumper sticker; it was too early in the morning to go to Pedro’s X-rated shop. That will happen next time!!!!!!
So, in summary, I am now in love with Savannah. I will be taking a month off of work next year to embrace their St. Patrick’s Day celebrations (ok, not a month, but you get the idea). You are all invited to join me. And, we are driving so as to hit EVERY Chick-Fil-A between the Commonwealth and South of the Border. Yeeeeehaaaaaw!