Finally, I have found and reserved my apartment in Trastevere. Its different than last summer, on the other side of Trastevere, actually. Its always a gamble, as photos are totally misleading, but I suppose that's part of the adventure. Its got a sofa bed in case any of you get motivated to come join me in Italia. Stop complaining and fork over a months salary for your airline ticket!


Yup, that's a pool.
Ok, its only a meter deep but its something, at least, when the temp is over 100!

A table for two, me and you. Buy the damn ticket, already.

The "kitchenette" where I have no intention of cooking dinner. . . Carlo
Menta for lasagna, Cafe
Artu for spaghetti
cacio e
pepe, and Pizzeria San
Calisto for
shitgodamn good pizza. Will probably keep some vino in the
itty bitty fridge, just in case you show up to have
un bichierre con
mio by the pool.

Where all the magic happens (totally joking, Mom and Dad)!
LOL. I'm there in my mind already. SOOO CUTE!!
Ok, I am willing to accept in mine for now. It will need to be in body by summer. Just think of the advantages, you come to Rome in July or August and then just stay until you join your tour in October. I mean, what's not to like!
It looks BRILLIANT! If we finally give up on ever getting a Green Card for Allan, why not...we're close to just giving up, and what better way for us to start a new life than a dip in your wee pool....
I was thinking if I arrived early on a Thurday and left late on a Monday I'd only have to take 3 days off. It would sound so much better if I lived in England or France. ;)
DO IT; DO IT!!! That damn Atlantic Ocean makes the trip much too long.
I need a sugar daddy!
Amen to that. I just booked a flight from Rome to Dubrovnik because it was the same price as trains/boats across; holy shit the dollar sucks. Why oh why can't money grow on trees or at least ooze out of some man who wants to keep me in the style I wish to become accustomed!
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