The last couple of days have been so much fun. Beth G. arrived around midnight on Saturday after spending a few days with her friend in Paris. In keeping with the theme for this whole summer, we immediately went down to the river and got our drink on until around 4am when they closed and told us to leave. Not being nearly late enough, we stopped at the bar below my flat until the sky started to lighten up for morning. I believe we went to bed around 5:45am. As a random aside, we were sitting chatting when the guy at the next table asked us if we were Americans because his buddy sitting there was one. Turns out this guy is from Fairfax and has been living in Rome for 7 years. Also turns out those 2 guys were the ones I saw snorting coke off the seat of a scooter a couple of weeks ago. So we made out with both of them. . . . . . totally kidding. Or am I?
Beth has a couple of friends from DC who are also in Rome for a few days; they are really fun and I look forward to catching up with them back in the States. So we're are off for some final moments here in Roma of excellent food, wine, history, shopping, and gawking at men.
Hey, all: Beth taking over the blog for a second here! i must begin by saying what an excellent host Carrie has been an how much fun we've had over the past couple days--this crazy woman has met her match here in Roma--a city as fun, weird, and lively as she is. We've been taking it pretty easy, just hanging out, drinking, and eating (3 gelati down, at least 2 more scheduled before the plane takes off tomorrow).
Yesterday we did manage to make it over to the Villa Borghese, where we ran into some shiny faced young candidate for the priesthood (he was heartbroken when we told him that we did NOT plan to fight the swarming masses of tourists at the Vatican that day to say howdy to Benny Ratz...). OH, and we also saw some amazing, mindblowing art. In particular, the self portraits painted by Carravagio (apparently he was a COMPLETE freak on a stick, so Carrie has decided she' have totally dated him) and 3 of the most famous sculptures by Bernini: David, The Rape of Persephone and Apollo and Daphne. All three are life turned to stone--you can almost see them breathing. Amazing.
Today we're off to the Bone Church to see creepy Capuchin monks and the creepy way they have decorated their church using human bones. House and Garden has nothing on these dudes. Thanks to Carrie again for such an amazing time and arrivederci!!
I am glad to see you may actually make it back to the states. It has been fun reading your adventures in Italy. I hope you are sober enough that they let you on the plane and maybe this time you wont get body scanned. I wish we could have joined you but maybe next time. Have a safe trip home and hopefully we can get together and once you get back and start speaking English again.
Jeffe: grazie mille, bello! I'm so glad you have enjoyed reading the blog; its been a load of fun writing it. I too hope I'm sober enough to fly; its going to be a crap shoot at this point! I actually made it over here without being violated by security; I think my luck on that front has run out and I'm going to get a serious searchin'. Looking forward to seeing you guys soon!
Thanks for sharing your travels. I felt like I was there again. Maybe if you do it again, I can come visit you (barring I'm not pregnant again....'0) )
Still no baby...I guess she really is waiting for you to come home.
By the way, a couple of bars have closed in Old Town, so I know they'll be excited for your return. As will I, as I plan to have my first drink immediately after the delivery. '0)
Talk to you soon....and don't cry...I know your adventures abroad are not done. I'm just hoping I can join you on one or two.
P.S. Marco...nice, very nice. I can't WAIT to hear more on that front!!! Did you manage to find the only blond I-talian in southern Italy?
Sherri: Thanks for following my travels, I always looked forward to your comments and emails. I'm glad Kelly is waiting for me; I like her already! Sorry to hear that my absence has had such a devastating economic impact on Old Town's watering holes. I will have to rememdy that immediately upon my return. I am positive that this is not my last Italian adventure and you will definitely be joining in on future ones. Oh my, I can't wait to share the details on my hot blond italian. De-Li-Cious!! See you on the other side very shortly!
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