Just got back from a brilliant 5 days at the beach. Its always a bit sketchy when you are going to a place that is not super touristy and has minimal info. in your guidebooks. Fortunately, I lucked out. With the exception of one day that I spent hiking around the paths of San Domino and swimming in every little cove I found, it really was a very lazy few days. I layed on the beach, swam in the sea, drank local white wine, and ate seafood. The biggest adventure was the 35 kilometer ferry ride out to Isola Tremiti. I get seasick just thinking about being on a boat in the middle of the ocean, so this was a huge accomplishment. I didn't even barf. Hooray!!! They are five islands in the Adriatic with some of the bluest water I have ever seen. Only 2 of the islands are inhabited at all, and only one of the two, San Nicola, is year round. For those into history, San Nicola is where Emperor Augustus' daughter, Julia, was exiled in the 1st century for being an adulteress. The other 3 are nature preserves and huge masses of tufo rock. The hiking paths on San Domino are really nice because of the shade and the smells. When the wind blows from one direction it smells like the sea and when it switches directions it smells like the pine forest that covers the entire island.
To add icing on the cake, the train ride was also gorgeous. I had to spend two hours in a seaside town called Pescara while changing trains. It did not suck. And, since I had to cut straight across the country, we went right through the middle of the Southern Apennines. I took a few pictures of the mountains/valleys but only a couple came out since we were always moving.
Oh, and as another layer of icing, I spent the five days with my "friend" Marco that I met in Gallipoli. Did you catch mention of that a few posts back? Yup, he left his holiday in the south to meet me for a few days on the Adriatic. Very sad goodbye to him this morning at the station, as he returned to Gallipoli and I to Rome. Unfortunately, he will not be back in Rome until after I leave for the States. Its a great and sweet story that is not for the "blogosphere". You'll have to catch up to me in person to get the details.
Marco looks more like a Sven or an Olaf....Did I mention my father's name is Marco....Does he speak rhyming slang? Drinks on the 17th?
Allan says the Tadger is closed we must go to the Irish Pub...
Loralei: Marco was not nearly that blond when I first met him. I guess 3 weeks on the beach will do that to a guy. Gross, I was not with your dad; that's just disturbing! It was enough for me to translate the Italian, much less notice if the slang rhymed. I'm actually thinking drinks on the 15th when I land. My flight arrives at 3pm and Joey is picking me up. Want to meet us? I may go see my parents at the beach that weekend. Not sure. If I don't, definitely drinks on the 17th!
Grazie per la disposizione dell'immagine di me. Sono un hunk italiano. Ma prova seguente di tempo per includere piĆ¹ immagini delle donne topless.
Peter, I mean Marco: you are truly a disturbed individual. I will try to post a topless woman for you.
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