I found a great little enoteca in Como, very close to my hotel. The owners are an awesome couple who serve bruschetta with various toppings (pumpkin salsa, cream of salvia, pancetta, salami, sun-dried tomatoe) with each glass of wine you drink. They didn’t speak English, but were only too happy and patient to let me use my crappy Italian. I had, hands down, the best Prosecco with them every evening and promised to send my parents to them if they make it to Como in the fall. I also had perhaps one of the best pasta dishes, EVER. It was at a pretty restaurant right on the lake in Como. Giacomo, my new best friend waiter, highly recommended the Risotto with Strawberries; yeah, I was resistant at first too. So glad I listened to him. It was delicious, as was the steak in a porcini mushroom sauce.

I also made a complete ass of myself while at dinner on another occasion. I was quietly eating my gnocchi when I noticed the man sitting with his family at the next table over. He looked me square in the eye and cut loose with a huge smile. I swear to god he looked pretty much just like Austin Powers, horrifying teeth and all. I actually burst out laughing and the harder I tried to stop, the harder I laughed. In fact, it was a tears running down my cheeks kind of belly laugh. I even went so far as to take a couple of photos of him. Now before you judge me, I was kind enough to turn the flash off so he wouldn’t know what I was doing. I totally sacrificed a clear and award winning look-a-like photo so as not to hurt his feelings. Yeah, I know. As I’ve said, not for the first time on this trip, I’m going to hell.

And before you think completely ill of me, I would like to say I made some wise choices while on my little vacation from Rome. I was talking to a really friendly American couple, from Brooklyn, one night at a lakeside café. They had a car and were going to drive up into Switzerland and hike around in the Alps. After a few vinos, they kindly invited me to come along with them one day. I did consider their offer for a minute or two, but then had flashbacks of almost being killed and having my corpse molested on the Appian Way by the not-so-fabulous Fabbio. Thus, I declined. See, Mom and Dad, I do learn!
While the entire trip was perfect, I do have to say I was disappointed to not run into Senior Clooney. I did, however, go right by his villa on one of my ferry trips. The place is a total dump, or not. There were 4 women, probably in their 70’s sitting in the front of the boat with me. All of a sudden they all stood up and starting fluffing their hair and waving at his villa while yelling, “Ciao, George, ciaooooo”. I laughed out loud, as did they.

I am sooo jealous! What is on tap for your last couple of weeks?
Angela: I'm currently drinking my face off with my friend who got married and moved to London. After she leaves, I think I'm going to head to the coast and drink and eat there. Life is tough!
Shannon: I love the word twat. . . endlessly funny. Aren't you going to the Hamptons soon? I miss you too and its totally cool you linked my blog. I think we are offically dating or some shit, now. Does Chris know?
Is Traceee there? Or do you have some OTHER friend who got married and moved to London? By the way, considering Austin is looking DIRECTLY at you in that picture, I'm guessing it's safe to say he's gone off and jumped off a bridge from the embarassment. But I'm glad you got the picture! And sadly, it was probably a wise decision not to harass the cops in Croatia (and I can't believe you could restrain yourself!) it would have made a much better story if someone had got arrested, try to better next time. In closing, I would just like to say that you and Liz are total drunks with smelly feet and I think next year you should go to someplace really 3rd world, like Kazakhstan. Oh, and you're a twat.
I would have never gone for the risotto con fragole either. Hmm, the next time you get it we'll have to share!
I can't believe the opulence of Como. I can't wait for us to have a weekend in NY. Let's get a slammin hotel and bring a few bottles of Prosecco di Valdobbiadene!!
Anon (or my guess is Peter): yes its that Traceee, Traci, Tracey!! Ridiculous that we have to catch up with each other in Roma, but fabulous, nonetheless. While it would seem Austin would know I was capturing his summer teeth to publish on the web, he had no idea what I was doing. Cuz that's how I roll! Liz and I are total drunks and should consider AA, but its for quitters! And yes, I am a total TWAT. So glad you've joined in the campaign to use that word more frequently!
LaLa: d'accordo a tutti!!! Can't wait for both risotto back in Italia and Prosecco in NY. Yaaaaaay!
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