Yesterday, we went out to Tivoli to visit Villa D’Este where the famous fountains of Tivoli are. It was spectacular. The villa is a former Benedictine convent that was transformed into a palace in 1550. All of the fountains (and they are EVERYWHERE) are powered solely by gravitational force. At one of them, where you can drink from the fountain, plugging up one spout results in the other one shooting higher into the air. I was so tempted to plug my side when a little kid bent down to drink from the other side; he would have gotten water blasted right up his nose. I behaved, though, dammit! There is a fountain designed by Bernini that used its water pressure to play an organ that was hidden in the top of it, and another imitated a bird call. It really is a must see if you’re in Rome.

I want a sign like this one for my house, I mean villa

the view from one of the villa's terraces

there were potted citrus trees all over the gardens and villa

path of the Hundred Fountains; its incredible!

Fountain of Tivoli

the Fountain of Tivoli

in front of the Fountain of Tivoli

on top of one of the fountians

Villa D'Este on the hill

one of the faces in the path of the Hundred Fountains

So disappointed that its nips were turned off.

The fountain of Rome at the end of the path of the Hundred Fountains

amazing sculpture at the end of the path of the Hundred Fountains

Bernini's fountain is at the top

one of many reflecting pools; the water circulates between them all


while one would think those are extra boobs, one would be wrong. They are bull testicles as a sign of fertility. Ok. . .

a rainbow across a fountain

you find faces carved into edges of fountains all over the place. They're really awesome to find.

cool clouds over a castle in Tivoli
This is actually the site of a very famous movie - "Weekend at Bernini's"
Oh, and by the way, you're twat is showing...
I mean "your", I know how much that annoys Joey...
Funny you should mention that movie; I'm pretty sure I saw a dead guy walking around that place. . . or maybe that was me with my collosal hangover. And, my twat is not currently showing, because I am sitting like a lady. Ten minutes ago, it may have been! Thank you for correcting your grammar; we can't have anyone leaving the blog because you can't write!
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