Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Sintra is an adorable medieval town about 40 minutes west of Lisbon. Its got an UNBELIEVABLE castle the "Pena Palace" with acres and acres of amazing gardens. From the terraces of the palace you can see all the way across Lisbon to the mouth of the Tejo River and the Atlantic. The palace was actually occupied by Portugues royalty as recent as 1910, when they had to flee the country because of the revolution. It was awesome!!!!!

walking up to the palace

the gates

the right side only

part of the right side and middle

a monument to the designer of the palace

looking out to the river

the Tejo River in the distance
view from a guard tower

looking down into the entrance

the Alligator Gate


the gardens cover something like 212 acres

lavendar beds. . . smelled niiiiiice!

Palm garden

They have tree specimens from all over the world. This thing is some kind of a red cedar from the US that uses the ground to reroot itself and start a new upward growth. It was huge. There was also a giant Redwood.

flower and a fish

the lakes with medieval duck houses

Moorish Castle. I walked those walls!

Moorish Castle ruins. They date back 1000 years. The climb was ridiculous, but the views totally worth it.

Pena Palace from the castle ruins

Pena Palace


Now I know how I got my sunburn

Pena Palace & ruins, just for some perspective
And since tonight is my last one in Lisbon, I had to choose between getting torn apart on Ginjinha (which would certainly result in my waking up without the little dignity & self-respect I have left) or spending more time in the Port Wine Institute. I went with the second option; and, discovered a new and delicious summer time beverage. . . White Port with tonic and orange slices. Oh it's good. . . it's very very good. I suspect I will be inhaling many of these during my next 2 weeks on the Algarve Coast.
3 words for this libation . . . De. Li. Cious!!!


LaLa said...

Great Pics!! Now I wanna stop in Sintra on my way back to Lisbon.

Anonymous said...

I like that castle. We should live there. TCH

LaLa said...

Hey the tree man statue looks like he's dumping in that shell...just can't escape it can ya?!