Bolinha video I found on Youtube, it's perfect!!
After dinner, we went back to the scene of the crime the night before, The Mad Hatter. We had a minor drink up with our Brit friends one last time. I call it minor because “Rude” and “Delightful” weren’t there and no passed out in their clothes with snacks in their hand.
And I fed the most tame turtle known to humanity his final meal of bread, from me. Maria’s husband found him under his car at their farm; and, now he lives in the garden of the apartment. When he sees you, he follows you so you will give him bread. And, he only takes it from your hand. If you put the bread on the ground, he just crawls over it and keeps coming at your hand. He’s cute, but not seriously bright.
Perfect time in Tavira. So glad I went.
I'm so glad you came too. Seriously good times!!!
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