Thursday, July 4, 2013


There isn't much sight seeing to do on the Amalfi coast. It's mostly eating, drinking, riding water taxis from little town to little town, sunning, and people watching. Not a bad gig if you can get it!

Tomorrow, the ferry to Salerno and the train to ROMA!!!!!!
Appertivi at sunset on our balconey

 Lunch on the harbor at Positano

 Cappuccinos in the piazza in Amalfi

 Watching people drink from the boob fountain. 
sassy with cappucino

 We have to walk all the way down to the harbor
Half way down

They have it all and something more in Amalfi!

On the boat to Positano. 

A fountain of miniatures

Lemons in Positano

Lemons turned into Limoncello

Limoncello going into us at Tre Sorelle in Positano

The "beach" in Minori, just around the cliff from Amalfi

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wine and Drugs!
And the civil war wasn't too shabby either.
