Friday was a clean up day; we wrapped all the loose ends we hadn’t attended to before Liz flew home on Saturday. We met Naz for lattes and then lunch at Siciliainbocca, a restaurant Liz and Fred ate at when they were here in October. They went to the restaurant in Prati, over by Vatican City, and yet with a touch of research I found they also had a restaurant right here in Trastevere. And when I say right herein Trastevere, I literally mean right here, about 100 metres away from my front door. What a great find. The food was ridiculously delicious and the décor was very Mediterranean.

just a few of the many salads that make their way out.

Liz, Naz, and I

homemade prickle pear brandy

storm clouds gathering as we walked across the river
After lunch we finished off the shopping requirements, marshmallow candy for her son and pope bottle openers for a friend from work. And one for each of us, of course (that is just too funny to pass up). Liz also finally got a gelato from the BEST GELATI PLACE ON THE EARTH, Della Palma, near the Pantheon. We also got reservations at a restaurant on top of Castel Sant’Angelo near St. Peter’s. In the summer, there is a festival with jugglers, musicians, flamenco dancers, skits, etc all over the fort, as well as a makeshift restaurant with a very cool vibe to it. So, we had a couple of drinks by the river then a nice dinner outside on one of the battlements of the castle. It was a great way to end Liz’s two week trip.

drinks outside Castell Sant'Angelo

candle lit restaurant on top of Castell Sant'Angelo

Liz's view from her seat at the restaurant
Liz is the perfect travel companion! Without her we would have not known the hilarity of the Croatian police, I nicknamed them Abbott and Costello.
I LOVE FOOD! A little too much. I don't think I'll be getting that at the Dude Ranch.
She really was. If I had not been in the company of someone who loves to drink and laugh as much as I do, this blog would be sorely lacking in ridiculousness.
I'm with on lovin' food. Can't wait to check in on your time with the Cowboys!
That was an incredibly
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