I’ve laid pretty low since I’ve arrived back, that is until last night. Naz got back from Nice so we met up for appertivo, dinner, and then copious wine in Campo de Fiori. She and her friends met a waiter there a couple of weeks ago, so we went to hang out in his cafĂ©. Four bottles of wine later (only 1 of which we had to pay for, yay for horney Italian men) we were staggering home at about 3am. Needless to say, today has been painful. For whatever reason, we decided to go on a hunt for the perfect Italian leather purse. We pretty much covered the entire city to no avail. I think I sweated out every drop of wine I ingested yesterday; so now I am replenishing it with some tasty Prosecco.
Tomorrow, we might head to Florence for the day. Man its good to have such choices!

Prosecco. it's a white Lambrusco...nice, I knew I was an influence. Did you get a cheese ball to go with it?
Haaaaa, funny you mention Lambrusco. I was in the grocery store looking for a red wine to buy when my eyes popped out of my head at "LAMBRUSCO". I started giggling and pretty much looked like a total nut job. I did not succumb to your evil influences; although, I did buy some cheese with black truffle. If I squish it into a ball shape, does that still count?
I LOVE LAMBRUSCO!! And Yay for florence and free wine!!
We didn't make it Florence, train tickets are way more expensive this year. But we did enjoy all that free wine!!!
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