Tomorrow Liz and I are off to Croatia. We fly out at 6pm and land in Dubrovnik at 7:10. After one night there we're taking a ferry to a little island called Korcula for 2 nights, then back to Dubrovnik for 4 more nights. Somewhere in there we have rented a car to drive into Bosnia and Montenegro for one day each. Oh god, wish us luck. And if any of you have friends who can get 2 American girls out of eastern European jails, leave a comment on this here blog. Haaaaa!
Please take lots of pics, I've always wondered about tours that combine Italy and Croatia. Thanks gals.
No worries about that. I am so damn excited to get there and get myself onto the beach. The downside, I'm not taking my laptop, so pictures won't be posted until next week when we get back. Ci sentiamo la prossimo settimana!
Girlies....I know you are enjoying yourselves, behaving I'm not quite sure. The pictures are beautiful, and I'm sure the wine is perfect, the food amazing and the people wonderful. Why are you holding out on the juicy stuff in your blog... give me something good, a TREAT!!! Miss you... loeschy
Men in Croatia are supposed to be quite handsome...Have fun ladies! Try that local wine that you kind get anywhere else in the world...I think it's called bermet(?)
Drive fast. Take chances!
We want Croatia update!!! Get busy girls!!!!
from what I understand (yea, the rumor mill still works when ya'll are gone) -- you don't need any of us to bail you out of jail 'cause our Lizzie took care of it (bribery, huh)?! :)
I have got to hear this fucking story!! Can't WAIT!
Loeschy: the stories will start rolling in now that we are back from Croatia. Holy shit was that week one hot mess. Next time, you come too!!
Loralei: we drank EVERYTHING ever made in Croatia, no worries about that. Now that I'm back, I'm going to start writing the stories. There are so damn many, this blog will reach War and Peace length. I'm getting on it!
Shannon: welcome to the blog, you big whore! Our little Lizzie did in fact take car of our "incident". While there was a moment of "oh shit", we have laughed about that mess constantly. I'm working on writing the story pronto!!
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