Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Language School

So, I have officially enrolled in a language class for next week. I figure if I’m going to be here for almost 2 months, I might as well improve myself somehow. I mean, besides improving my health with all of the red wine! I’m taking an intensive course that lasts 6 hours a day for 5 straight days. I also understand it is an immersion course where there is no English spoken; I’ve been told that is the fastest way to learn. . . .um, okay. The school is located just 2 blocks from the Vatican; maybe I can improve my soul at the same time. Yeah, yeah, I know; its a lost cause and all.

So now you can all look forward to me talking nonsense in both Inglese e Italiano!


Anonymous said...

OK... now you are going a bit too far...You are supposed to be on vacation, not getting ready to spend the rest of your life there...

Carrie said...

Jeffe: I see you are on to my plan. It is just the first step in a, shall we say, more permanent move. . .

Anonymous said...

I'm all for learnin’, but doesn't this cut into your drinking and gallivanting time. Come on...priorities, priorities. '0) Unless, however, they serve wine and cheese during class. Now that I would sign up for.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, the "Anonymous" was from me (Sherri). The only way I can publish any comments is anonymously...I kind of like the intrigue and mystery of it all.

Carrie said...

Sherri, oops I mean Anonymous: I'm pretty sure the school actually does serve wine during the afternoon break. . . do you really think I would commit a single moment of my time to an endeavour that does not involve such things! Pregnancy must be making you lose your senses a bit :-) Learnin' and drinkin', its just like Towson all over again!

Terri said...

very impressive! i'm going to forward your blog to my friend jen who took a similar path...

as far as makers mark (from previous post, no, i'm devoted to the captain. i'm thinking cause of all the wine wine wine that they don't have any makers mark there? sup with that?

Loralei said...

It makes sense in the evil plan...You look I talian, now you will sound I talian...It make the drinking and flirting much easier while in Italy...The trick is can you do rhyming slang in I talian...

How's the Swiss Guard?

Carrie said...

Terri: are we talking about Jen Cole? Definitely forward on to her; maybe she can even recommend some cool places to hang out and meet people. As for Makers Mark, just hold your britches. Not engaging in alot of that with my parents still in the country ;-)

Loralei: rhyming slang in Italian; dammit now I'm going to have to take 2 weeks of classes. I can barely manage that mess in English! Taking Mom and Dad to the Vatican tomorrow. . . will check out the Swiss Guard then!

e said...

Go Kwee go!

Establish an outpost, send for reinforcements (ummm... me), take Rome!

BTW, last night Robert Bailey asked me if 1. You are cool 2. You are interested in ...um... company. I said yes on both counts. I think you may have a new 1/2 blooded Italian friend. I call him Roberto Bailezze myself. You and Bailey prowling Rome together makes me laugh. Hard. Pictures would undoubtedly be a necessity.

Carrie said...

Izzy: finally, you appear on the blog!! Outpost is in the works, bring yourself anytime, I am ready. Bailey, huh? Now that would be interesting and picture worthy!!